Annual Plants

Annual Flowering Plants

It is impossible to imagine a beautiful flower garden without annual flowering plants. Many gardeners prefer perennials over annual flowers due to convenience but most annuals produce more generous flower heads and bloom over a longer period of time than perennials. In addition, annuals are wonderful if planted between the perennials to fill the empty spaces until they reach their full size. Annual flowering plants complete their entire life cycle in several months but some self-seed easily and will come up on their own the next year.

Our nursery grows numerous annuals that will delight you with their vivid colors and rich blooms. Some of the most popular annual flowering plants include:


Pansy refers to a group of hybrid plants derived from heartsease (Viola tricolor), a common wildflower found in grain fields and hedgerows. The first modern Pansy was created by William Thompson, a gardener at the estate of James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier by crossing heartsease with other viola species. Pansy is available in many different colors and is one of the first flowers that bloom in late winter. Pansies are cold hardy annuals and are often planted already in late autumn. They grow best in well-drained soil and prefer sunny areas though they also tolerate partly shaded areas.


Zinnia is a genus of about 20 species which are highly valued for their long-stemmed flowers in various shapes and colors. Their height ranges from 15 centimeters to 1 meter and for that reason you should be very careful which species you purchase. The height is found on the plant’s label. Zinnias bloom from late spring to late autumn and prefer areas with full sun. Like most other flowering plants, Zinnias grow best in fertile soil. In addition to delighting you with their beautiful flowers, they will also attract butterflies, honey bees and bumblebees.


Marigold (Tagetes) is a genus of over 50 species that originate from America but grow very well throughout Europe as well. They can grow from 30 centimeters to 2 meters tall, depending on the chosen species and produce yellow, orange and golden flowerheads that bloom the entire season. Marigold prefers sunny areas but it also grows well in partially shaded areas as well. Unlike most other plants, Marigold grows well in just about any soil type. It is also very popular as a companion plant because its smell repels the harmful insects while attracting the good ones.


Calendula, also known as Pot Marigold is a genus of nearly 20 species that are native to the Mediterranean region. It produces very attractive yellow to orange flowers that bloom throughout the season. It is not sensitive to soil type but it does grow better in rich, fertile soil and prefers sunny areas. In addition to ornamental purposes, Calendula is also used for therapeutic and culinary purposes, and is also very popular companion plant because it repels many harmful insects.


Poppy refers to a group of flowering plants in the poppy family producing very attractive and colorful flowers. The best known is Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) due to its amazing red flowers. It is considered as weed in most parts of Europe which means that it is one of the least demanding garden plants. Worth considering are also other species such as California Poppy, Iceland Poppy and Welsh Poppy. Poppies are very convenient because they self-seed easily though it is important to be careful that they do not become invasive, flower seeds are the most popular way of planting poppies.


Larkspur (Delphinium) is a genus of approximately 300 species that are native to Northern Hemisphere. It is available in blue, pink, purple and white color and blooms from mid to late spring. Larkspur is very undemanding and requires virtually any care. In addition, it self-seeds easily. Please keep in mind that larkspur is toxic.


Petunia is a genus of flowering plants native to South America. It is available in virtually all colors, is very easy to grow and blooms almost throughout the season. However, it require lots of direct sunlight (at least 5 hours per day) and well-drained soil. Petunia is particularly effective as border for the flower garden.